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Environmental Policy

Our school makes every effort to minimize its environmental impact. We strive to use all natural materials, most items made at the school by our families, teachers, and children, and sourced from materials available locally in Cambodia. We go beyond merely “reducing” and “reusing,” and instead teach children how to create and embrace natural alternatives to commonly used plastics and other materials that are harmful to our bodies and our world. We make every effort to ensure that our foods and materials, and their supply chain, is as local, ethical, and sustainable as possible. We partner with organizations first within Cambodia, and next around the world, that share these convictions and values to provide all materials and services to our children and families. We encourage our families to carefully consider the materials used by the children at school, and make them as natural as possible. Programs offered at the school must conform with our policy to use only natural materials.

Our complete Environmental Policy is available in our School Handbook.

Technology Use Guidelines

Gecko Garden School believes that children deserve the chance to develop their imagination and sense of self independently of the influence of media and technology. Our school is media and technology free. We strongly advise that all families eliminate or reduce the use of technology and media by their children, and by adults in their household in the presence of the children. A good article to read for more information is “World Health Organization Says Limited or No Screen Time for Children Under 5.” We also invite you to review our Tips for Reducing Your Child’s Screen Time, and ask our teachers or at our office for more information or support.

Our complete set of guidelines is available in our School Handbook.

Mealtime Policy

Establishing a healthy relationship to food is essential to a child’s physical, mental, social, and emotional health as they grow. As such, Gecko Garden School integrates morning tea, and lunch for the full day program, into its curriculum. In order to allow the children to realize the social benefits of eating together as a community and the nutrition benefits of eating healthy food, Gecko Garden School provides all snack and lunch food, and water. Families are asked not to send additional food with the children, as it may become a distraction from their carefully planned meals. Children with special dietary needs will be accommodated by the school. Parents should ask at the office to collaborate with the chef to meet their child’s nutritional requirements.

More information is available in our School Handbook.

Parent Participation Guidelines

Our school encourages and relies on parent participation, and views parents as key collaborators along with the teachers to create a healthy school experience for the children. We ask the entire community to attend the quarterly Parent/Teacher Nights, as well as the All School Meeting at the end of the year. There are also additional opportunities to join committees and volunteer.

More information is available in our School Handbook.